Technology Training

Amaranth has dedicated itself to provide high level technology training through a suite of XML/SGML courses designed to provide the participants with the newest information in an optimal learning experience.

Amaranth offers training in both SGML and XML and their related technologies. The list to the right is not a list of courses but rather a list of those topics we cover in our courses. From that list we compose our courses to fit the need of the customer.

Please contact us for more information.

Individual courses

Amaranth offers individual courses on beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Theme tracks

We provide theme tracks where we organize our courses in series that focus on a specific theme. The theme tracks provides a more thorough step-by-step XML or SGML education over a longer period of time.

Custom-designed courses and tracks

Of course we also custom-design our XML/SGML courses and tracks so that the training is based on the XML/SGML tools and books your company has chosen as their standard.

As a new thing we also license out our teaching material to other technology trainers.

Practical exercises

In all our courses there will be practical hands-on exercises to allow the participant to try out the theory for themselves and get the fullest understanding of the presented material.

Course topics:

XML & SGML basic concepts:

  • using markup in structured editing
  • linking information

Structural design:

  • DTD design
  • Schema design (XML only)
  • names spaces (XML only)

Information modeling:

  • Developing DTDs
  • Information Mapping - Do and Dont's

API programming:

  • COM programming with Microsoft XML technologies
  • SAX and DOM programming in Delphi, Visual Basic, Java, and others.
  • FrameMaker+SGML FDK programming
  • Interfacing with databases
  • ASP programming

XML/SGML project management:

  • Phases in Planning and Developing DTDs and Schemas
  • Do and dont's

Design issues:

  • Modular DTD design


  • XSL stylesheets (XML only)
  • FrameMaker+SGML EDD Design (SGML only)


  • Converting legacy data to XML or SGML
  • Omnimark programming and other conversion tools
  • Bridging XML and SGML
  • XSLT transformations


  • XMetal
  • FrameMaker+SGML
  • TurboXML
  • Omnimark